Tag: PSE
Actresses on Mattresses
While sex workers can genuinely feel affection for some clients, there is usually an element of acting involved (as opposed to robotic and clinical sex work), whether it involves putting on a brave face when things are less than stellar in their private lives, or acting professionally pleasant when you just don’t feel like it…
Is tantric sex desirable or even advisable with a sex worker?
It’s no secret that one of my favourite “types” of sex is the tantric kind: a kind of slow, meditative, close and not necessarily climactic linking of two people. It’s indulgent: like savouring every mouthful – flavour, texture and sensation – of your favourite kind of food or wine and thoughtfully appreciating it even once…
A rose by any other name
Image: The Soul of a Rose by JW Waterhouse A lot of people call and ask about services, but if they are not that familiar with the sex industry or have never visited a working girl, they may not understand the meanings of some of the terms I (or other working girls) might use. So…
A Bossy Girl Or a Dominatrix?
Remember when you were a kid and you’d see a loud-mouthed 12 year old girl getting about with a couple of 10 year old boys in tow hanging on to her every word, she’d be ordering them about, getting them to buy her gob-stoppers and generally acting like she owned the place? Well I wasn’t…
Men’s fantasies – Porn Star Experience (PSE)
It’s the fantasy of a lot of men to fuck a porn star or fuck like a porn star but sadly it is beyond reach for most guys. However if you visit a sex worker who specialises in PSE, it’s like you can direct and star in your very own porn movie with a very…
Fake cocks in bisexual fantasies?
It’s said that we are all bisexual to a degree with some being closer to the gay end of the spectrum and others being closer to the straight end but mostly we are somewhere in between. I personally identify as bisexual but as I don’t have available a regular girl playmate who is also a…