Tag: writing
Actresses on Mattresses
While sex workers can genuinely feel affection for some clients, there is usually an element of acting involved (as opposed to robotic and clinical sex work), whether it involves putting on a brave face when things are less than stellar in their private lives, or acting professionally pleasant when you just don’t feel like it…
From Everyday I write the book by Elvis Costello I once met a music industry dude who I enjoyed discussing the art of playlists with. I boldly asked him to compile a mix tape for me off the top of his head based on what he knew of me. Second on his playlist was one…
The pleasures of non-sex work
I often write about how much I love sex work, and one of the reasons I love it as a lifestyle is because it gives me so much time to get involved with various projects as non-Amber. Since I began sex working again, I learned a lot about publishing on Amazon kindle by guinea-pigging myself…