Sex and religion – twain meeting

As far as churches go though, I have never found anywhere that I fit in. Even when I wasn't a sex worker. Share on X

I always find it funny how sex (work) and religion are such a taboo combination when, as I mentioned in a previous blog post, Jesus himself was friends with a hooker.

As far as churches go though, I have never found anywhere that I fit in.  Even when I wasn’t a sex worker.  There was actually a length of time, in between periods of sex work, when I was pretty religious actually, attending church, praying, studying the Bible etc, and even though no one at church knew anything about my past, there was something about me which never really belonged.  This did not put me off, why should it?  I was sure, and still am, that God did not judge me negatively.  If there is a God.  I am sure (s)he would be cool with people’s doubt or wondering or even disbelief.

All this talk about God being a jealous and angry god and all that rubbish, I’m sure it’s just humans “projecting”, just as they try to put a human way of thinking and behaving to cute animals.  (“That penguin is so cute, he wants me to pick him up and cuddle him”.)  And if God really doesn’t exist, that is also kind of cool, that whoever came up with the idea originally has managed to convince vast swathes of people to live their lives according to a certain code.  Well done!

How does life even happen, if not for the fact that two people fucked, and you don't even need to be married in a church to be able to create another life, just have sex. Share on X

But sex – in particular, dirty, filthy and very fun sex, (and surely sex for money can come into this category) – is considered not God-connected and yet I happen to think it can be a very spiritual experience.  Haha – I, for one, often spontaneously whisper “oh my god” at the beginning of orgasm.  And how does life even happen, if not for the fact that two people fucked, and you don’t even need to be married in a church to be able to create another life, just have sex.

I think back to my days in Sunday School, specifically to a Bible story where our teacher mentioned a humble woman who was a prostitute – this meant “she sold her body!” the teacher said.  Since she still had her body at the end of it, it struck me that it was a pretty cool transaction.

To all those celebrating this holy day, please don’t be offended by my irreverence, I’m not really having a dig.  And to atheists who may snigger at my naiveté, happy Christmas anyway.

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