Amber O’Hara’s now banned Google Plus profile
Gosh, it’s as if sex workers don’t have enough to juggle with, without now being overly-censored by the stuffy and the righteous on this vast wasteland of free porn, otherwise known as the Internet. Oh well, Google+, (who are still hoping to become the new Facebook,) which I was happy to support by dutifully G+ing all my posts (how else will it grow?) and in fact it was because a lovely client of mine was about to upload a little comment onto my Google+ profile’s Review tab, that I found out that Google+ has now deleted my profile, and my reasoned pleas have fallen on blind eyes. It seems I’m not the only one. Where are they based, China perhaps?
It seems that Google+ has a bit of a problem with my G+ing my blog posts, due to the content, even though they all link to my blog, which has the standard Blogger (owned by Google) R18 warning page. Regarding the posts themselves, I like to think they are more about intrigue rather than porn, except perhaps this post about going down, which had a rather delicious feature image of a man, well, going down. I like to think my blog is more a historical resource (kinda), with my own brand of subtle education for those who are interested, as well as a bit of commentary and review. It’s just my voice in my little corner of this place, from New Zealand where sex work is 100% legal. Heck, some of what I write may even be useful for sex workers. And I admit there is the titillating.
What this means for me is that I will have to give a hurry up on my proper website (which is currently being built) because it’s just a matter of time before Blogger also gets all big brother on me (as I mentioned – also being owned by Google). Because everything is connected via Google+, eg youtube etc, that is also disabled, causing me to find another place to host my little video and another one I will do in the near future. However, that is fine. I prefer not to have all my eggs in one basket, and sex work in the new age (post PRA, post Christchurch earthquake) has taught sex workers that autonomy is a very good thing and quite doable. So I dabble in twitter (mainly trash talk),and flickr (which I began in the hope of eventually improving my photo-taking and experimental selfies) are still standing. I don’t have a proper tumblr yet because I fear I would lose all my free time. I also tried dabbling in pinterest (categorising made easy), instagram but these were also removed.
So coming soon – will soon have a new look and feel. With a middle finger pointing in the direction of google and all that it attempts to own – which will never include me. Sure I could start a new profile but I won’t be investing any more time and effort, probably the same goes for the rest of the profiles they deleted (last time I looked there were 41 million search engine results on the topic). It’s not like they can afford to do that, hardly anyone clicks on G+ and at this rate it runs the risk of going the same way as Google Wave if they are going to go around deleting those that are actually actively using it. Yahoo was king of the search engines once.
Feel free to G+ this post, by the way.
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